Ventus Lyrics

Christ The king

Draw my heart O Holy
Spirit I adore thee
Help Me love you more and more Our God
Flood my soul with You Lord
Spirit life posses me
Take this humble offering of love

I am empty in your presence, presence lord
I am empty in your presence, presence lord
I am empty in your presence
In your presence I have everything

As my heart begins to soar
I’ve found freedom in your name
We’ll kneel and we’ll adore
Your body held before me

We’ll sing in exaltation
The lamb of God enfleshed
Son of Virgin Mother
Jesus Christ The King

Freely I come, before your throne
And I will lift my eyes to you Lord
Your saving passion will be my embrace
At your name every knee will bend


Liam Desic © 2017



In the colours of life, in rays and tones,
in the moon and the stars and great unknowns,In the sun, in the light and warm and the days,
we look to You, we look to You.

In the height and the depth and endless road,
in the sounds and the noise and the undertones.In peace, in the space and the open road,
We look to You, we look to You

You bring all things together, You make all of the colours,You are greater than numbers, we look to You, we look to You.

In the salt and the light and the desert plain,
In the hunger and thirst and the restlessness. In the night and the fire, and the blazing light, we look to You, we look to You

You've created this heart, woven in love, I am Yours Lord.Release the fire of Your love, consuming my heart, I will praise You. Even though I am young, I know whose I am, I am Yours Lord
You have given me life, a purpose and hope, I give all Lord

Roby Curtis © 2016



We gather here in awe of the Creator, the Spirit and the Son. We lift our voices calling on the spirit, let Your will be done.

Oh, Your love is like a hurricane
Oh, we're standing in the eye

Spirit take us deeper Stretch us wider
Move us closer Take us further
We invite you, Oh Spirit, have your way

Standing here in complete surrender, we all want you Jesus. You're trading all our failings for forgiveness, mercy washes clean

Dominic Dougherty © 2016


Holy Spirit Come

We thirst and hunger, for living water, Holy Spirit we desire God of wonders, come among us, a burning bush our heaven's fire

Holy Spirit Come, Release the tongues of fire of Pentecost Your mother and your brothers filled with hope, the fear overcome by holiness.                      
Today we seek the gifts, the fire, the power of renewal in our lives. Spirit have Your way. Our one desire, the moment that You called us out of darkness into light. The moment that You called us into light

We are prisoners, Holy Jesus, clothe us in humility. Once with water, now in fire, we are baptised in Your Name. 

Come, come O Spirit, burn like fire, ablaze in me. Come, come O Spirit, God of mercy, healing me. Come, come O Spirit, here before me, on my knees. Come, come O Spirit, tongue of fire, sending me.

Roby Curtis © 2016



For the sake of His wounds. Mercy bled beyond the tomb Jesus Christ,  Eternal Son. God in man, immortal one Water flowed from Your side. Precious blood the fount of life Father's love given for man. Beloved Son we trust in Thee

O Sacred Heart, of Our Living God 
Lord I place my trust, in Your Wondrous love 
For in all Your ways, Lord I give You Praise 
This great sacrifice, God You gave Your life

By your stripes we are healed. Risen God upon the road. Broken Bread we recognise. Living Son our hearts they burn

You are Divine
You are Divine
You are Divine
Fire within my life 

Holy God, Mighty One Holy and Immortal one Have mercy on us

Roby Curtis & Dominic Dougherty © 2017




Your Word is a guider, my heart your desire
Created with vision, You made me your mission

Lord I come before your offering
Consecrated to your Holy Name

As I consume, Consume me
As I partake, take me
As I thirst, quench me
Lord you sanctify me

Your love stretches wider
My soul set afire
I give you dominion
Your breath my beginning

I am conceived, Spirit within me
Your Holy breath, will be my embrace now
I can’t Ignore, All that you long for
Light on my path, set me apart

Baptised in fire, Holy desire
To know You my God, and Love who you love Oh
this person you’ve made, taken by your Grace
How can I ignore, the Saviours call

Liam Desic © 2017



Holiness is shaping, holiness creating God's people, God’s people. Holiness reviving, holiness alive in God's people, God’s people

You call me to purity. You call me to prayer each day

So I will, so I will, so I will Lord

You call me to give a fast. You call me to lay down my life.

So I will, so I will, so I will Lord! So I will, so I will, so I will!

I am young, I speak the words of life
With my tongue, bring the Kingdom's fire

You call me to be a part, of the Church You commissioned.You call me to be Your hands, touch the wounds of all the poor                    

Let no-one, look down upon my age
because I am a witness to Your love

Not just today, but every day I will follow You my God.When I'm alone, none can see, You have my purity. Life will get old, trouble will come, I will meet You every day. Mountains so high, valleys so low, my life is Yours to own

My life is not my own, Jesus my one true love

Roby Curtis © 2017



Turned up load, here to make the earth move
Jesus Song, Never felt like this before
Breaking Free, Are you ready? Are you Ready?
Sing with me, Are you ready? Are you ready?

Raise our Hands, Chosen life within you
Take a stand, God will be our one desire

Singing, Freedom, Falling Into you
We lift our eyes, as you hold our lives
Freedom, Never holding back, we live for you, Live for you

Your Light is breaking through the dark
Breaking through to us, your Name is setting us free

Liam Desic © 2017


Our Mark

War going on and we must respond
It's not good enough to turn blind eyes
Hunger on our streets as culture depletes
We stand with vulnerability

You are the vine 
Your arms they reach,
The wildest shores 
proclaiming peace.

We are called and sent and chosen to bring light,
into the darkness in our world, to make a mark on history and raise the banner of our God.          You are the way the truth and life,
our weapon is Your holiness,
and we defend our dignity
because we know that

We are young and we are free
And it's Your joy, alive in me

Battles are won by love and compassion,
All chaos trembles at Your Word.
Terror on our streets, fear and tragedy
The Cross our sign of victory.

In me, be done, according to Your Word.          

Forever we seek Jesus, 
we lay our lives. 
We the people of the cross,
together we rise!

Roby Curtis © 2017


Come Alive

Heaven Mercy, overflowing, break the darkness Holy Fear in me. Great and mighty, are you father, king of heaven, burn within me.

Oh! Holy Spirit come like a flood, Deep within me you fill me up.Holy Spirit come like a flood, You fill me up

Come Alive Come Alive Come alive in all of us woah

I invite You, lead me closer, to Your Kingdom
There in paradise, fill my heart Lord, I am ready
To give glory, so burn within me.

Release in me the gifts of your holiness, equip me to live a life free in the spirit, your spirit

Dominic Dougherty & Roby Curtis © 201



I’m worth more than the riches
of this world. Before I was born You knew me in the womb. You called me by name, to be set apart. To be salt and light You called my name.
There is nothing greater then living for the Saviour! There is nothing greater than living for You Lord! Than living for you!

I submit my life to You, Jesus all my hopes, my dreams and my desires. You’ve called and set me free, I have dignity You've recreated me

I’m a pearl, the apple of Your eye. The Father's Word breathed me into life.

All the times that I've fallen and you picked me up, all the choices I've made that have broken Your heart. When I did not know what I was called to be, and I gave away all the gifts that were me. You reached down and embraced me, and called me by name,I'm forgiven and called to be light in the world. I give all of my life Lord and hold nothing back, I will love You and serve You

Roby Curtis © 2017



You lift your voice and melt my heart    
You look in me and set me alight
You call my name and I am whole
You store in me unending hope

Take me deeper now You’re all I need
Tune out my lies, Your love is louder

Louder, louder, Your love is loude 

Tuned the world out with just a breath
And with a shout my walls collapsed
You charged straight in, and stole my heart
Now I’m complete, in your love!

Your heart, greater than mine,
wider, than any love I’d find
Won’t hide, I hear you now,
Your love is louder

To the storms that come my way,
“You can’t unground me”
All this noise I cast away,
for your love has found me. 
Your love has found me 

Chiara Keady & Dominic Dougherty © 2017


Come to the water

You call me just the way I am, invite me in and call me friend, Prepare a table with my name, wash my feet and sit me down. You speak of never ending love, all sin forever overcome. You say you are a burning light. All darkness trembles at the sight!

Nothing can separate, this love you give today, this joy flowing in my heart. Greater than all my faults, You give Your life and I’ll give mine, there’s no greater purpose than this!

You say come, come, come, come to the water, Come and see what God has done for me. You say come, come, come, come to the water, Come and drink from living water springs. You say come, come, come, come to the water, Come and lay your weary burdens down. You say come, come, come, come to the water, Come and see the wonders that God has done for me!

The narrow road is my desire, to follow you with all my life.
Your mercy new each breaking day, I claim your promise on my way.

He has done great things for us!
He has done great things for us!
He has opened up blind eyes to see His wonders!

Roby Curtis © 2017


Face To Face

When the bright lights fade upon a simple stage, there's only one truth that always will remain.
When the crowds they leave and the doors are closed, there's only one truth that we really need to know.

Jesus Christ is Lord, A brother, friend and God.He calls us out of love, to live a life of prayer.

I'm coming back to You, I'm coming back to You. I'm coming back to You, face to face with the Truth

When the days are long and we're weak and tired, there's always God's grace to keep us pressing on. When the plans they change and it all goes wrong, there's only one Truth that we really need to know.

And I will worship in small room,And I will praise You in the quiet,In adoration I surrender all to You!

Roby Curtis © 2017


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