

Emmanuel Worship Licensing Info

Our aim is to make licensing Emmanuel Worship music as simple as possible.

Chord Charts

• Chord Charts for songs off of our albums (not including Mass Settings) are free to download, make copies of and distribute. You can download our Chord Charts on our Music page

• Chord Charts for our Mass Settings (Rivers and Rivers Youth) must be purchased and used within a single ministry context, such as a single school, parish or ministry. However, within that ministry digital and physical copies can be made and sent to musicians as many times as you like. It’s not appropriate to share the chord charts with someone outside of that ministry context for use somewhere else.

Public Performance

• Public performers of Emmanuel Worship music will need to hold a music license, such as CCLI or OneLicense.

Every performance of Emmanuel Worship music, including the Mass Setting, will need to be reported through the reporting system of whatever music license you hold. This is really important because it’s what determines the royalties that go to our songwriters.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email